Member-only story
My Crush Caught Me Buying Condoms
Of all the Rite Aids in town, I had to go to that one
At the beginning of the week, I decided to go to the pharmacy on my day off. I needed to run some other errands, and I was sort of seeing someone new for, like, a second. In the end, clumsiness and alcohol ended up getting in the way. Before that disaster happened, though, I figured I would grab some condoms. You can never be too prepared.
That’s what they say, anyways.
I should have listened to my gut instead of heeding this tired lesson, but I wanted to be the responsible adult. On top of that, I have a history of poor preparation when it comes to sex. So, being extra cautious seemed like a good idea.
When I lived on the Airforce base, I enjoyed a private BX, which is essentially the military Wal-Mart. Now that I was off base, I really didn’t know which was best. So, I decided to go to the most convenient location.
I arrived at the Rite-Aid down the street from my apartment complex. Once through the doors, I made a straight shot for the Family Planning aisle.
It was an odd hour on a weekday, and most people were at work, so the store was empty for the most part.
Thank God, I thought.