I apologize for the length! Some commenters made a good point how I could’ve apologized and found her easily and actually I requested to get into a Facebook group for Disney Magic alumns so maybe someone know sher last name. I feel bad I don’t even remember it which is really shitty of me but that shows you how self involved I was.
I will find her and apologize. I don’t blame her at all for not wanting to hear it if she doesn’t but one commenter made a really good point that something is better than nothing because she’s out there without it.
I’ve only really just now started being like yeah, I bullied even though I thought of it like everyday and it’s time. I could’ve killed her. I went to the hospital for bullying I should know. Sad behavior from me. Sad. But I hope this helps.
Next item for you:
I’m so sorry. I really, really am. It can seem so hard to win against a bully like that (me) but it really is simple. You did EXACTLY what you needed to do. Even now sometimes I get these weird angry urges to be mean. I don’t want to. I swear. I smoke cannabis and feel amazing but sometimes if I’m like really tired and feeling insecure the urge comes out and I’m just like “wtf? Really, Evie?” It can feel like this instinctual pull, too. I hate it but I am calling myself out. Thankfully it’s happening less and less but mental illness does play a part and I’m doing much better.
Still, we know what we’re doing. I’ll tell you this: They are JEALOUS. I’m gonna write another article about that. I can tell you what they are soooo jealous, babe LMAO. If you take it from anyone take it from me! calling myself out.
Were you doing better than them at work? WOW see I never went that low I was more about the now saying mean things because bullies like me are PANSIES and don’t want the hit back.
Good for you! I bet that felt good to watch them shut the fuck up. Can I ask what you said? LMAO.
I hope this helps you and I am so sorry. Keep clapping back.